Beauty and wellness tips: Advice from a pro


Men’s care

Men are attentive to beauty and fashion too. Shaving, tanning and moisturizing creams are among their prized beauty care. Some even have cosmetic surgery.


Child Care

Take good care of your child to preserve his or her health. Child massage is an option, when needed. When showering them, always use appropriate products.


Women: Well-being at work

Dernièrement, les femmes ont gagné leur place dans la société et dans le monde des affaires. Veiller à leur bien-être au travail. Consultez TALK MAGAZINE pour plus d’informations sur la santé des femmes.


Expert consultants can predict your future


Interpreting dreams

Know the right techniques to interpret your dreams and read your daily horoscopes.


Career plan

To get started on a professional track, follow these tips to become an entrepreneur.


Woman of your life

If you want to recognize the woman of your life in advance, contact known fortune-tellers.

Setting up your business: Tips for getting started

If you want to start your own business centre, follow these steps. Know the strategies that work and the tools you need for this kind of business.


Step 1: Write a Business Plan

A Business Plan is essential for a thriving business. Establish a schedule and follow it to meet your goal.


Step 2: Apply for funds

You need bank financing to carry out your project. Financing is a type of credit.


3rd step: Shared workspace

If you can’t afford to have your own office, choose a shared office space solution.

Executive coaching. Step into success


It’s a good idea to contact a business coach if you want to meet your professional goal. A specialist in the field, will help and guide you to success.

E-commerce: choosing a high-tech niche


Going on a trip: how about a green vacation?

Partir en vacances est un des grands plaisirs de la vie. Chaque année, nous organisons tous des vacances en famille pendant la saison estivale. Les amoureux de la nature optent pour une escapade à la campagne pour profiter de la faune et de la flore locales. D’autres choisissent de visiter des villes lointaines ou de beaux sites historiques. Visitez Amean Magazine pour en savoir plus sur les vacances de voyage.

Trouver une “île paradisiaque” est une bonne idée pour des vacances romantiques, . Il vous permet de profiter de plages immaculées, de la nature sauvage, etc. Les vacances à la nature et à la plage vous aident également à vous détendre et à prendre soin de votre santé.


Transport : unique apps that can save your a lot of trouble

With the evolution of technology, new apps make life much easier for us. For example, if you’re in a hurry and need to take a cab or rent a car, you can
download a transportation app. The same goes for booking flights in advance.

Vegan cooking

Essentially, the vegan diet wants you to take care of your body and maintain your health. You don’t need to consume chemicals anymore, choose natural products. However, don’t eat animal products that have been created on their exploitation. A A vegan diet defends nature and also protect us against many diseases.